Professional Painting

Easy to work with and courteous because we appreciate your business

Residential Painting

Adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior or interior of your home can make a dramatic difference when it is completed by our experienced team. We will provide the highest quality results for your home improvement project.


Commercial Painting

Our commericial painting service includes interior painting, exterior painting, power washing, color consulting and more. If you have a commercial property in need of professional painting services, contact us today. 


Handyman Service

Our handyman service includes, interior and exterior repairs,
wood rot, kitchen and bath remodels, light plumbing and electrical, windows and
door replacements, pressure washing and much more.


FREE ESTIMATE. Let us come over and take a look at it.

Client Testimonials

These are just a few of the nice things our customers have said about us.

We could not be happier with our outdoor painting Marathon did for us !! Not only do the guys work hard, they are the most courteous workers I’ve ever had in my home!!
I would recommend this company to anyone that I know

Jack Johnson

I agonized over the choices for interior painting and I made the best choice possible. Marathon Painting is simply the best. The entire process from getting an estimate to completing the job was done with excellence. They are meticulous, their advice is perfect, and their work is exemplary. They are the best and I recommend them highly.

Mel Seemann

I want to give mega props to Marathon Painting – From initial estimates all the way through work completion, the entire crew was awesome in addressing several home repairs that had been requiring attention for quite some time – The carpentry and painting were absolutely on point and well done…

Gregg Taylor

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4000 +


100 +


Get a FREE Estimate

Let one of our experienced estimators stop by and take a look at your project. 

    Check Out A Few Examples

    We handle all types of residential & commercial projects. Give us a call and let us get to work for you.